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Relaunch & More...

Shop Talk

Gluttons & Drunkards latest gossip, pop-ups and events.


Relaunch & More...

Dave Drinkwalter

There are a number of reasons why we love food and drink and make apparel for people like us. First off, food and drink are the great connectors. I mean, is there anything more communal? Food and drink bring together a collection of people from all different backgrounds and place them together around a table. It is there that we share our lives, our stories, our laughter and when needed, our tears. A table is the place where we set off into our day or reset at the end of the day. It is where, and how we welcome people and it is where, and how we say goodbye. It is where our collective memories are shaped. It is incredibly human. It has an intricate and beautiful history, where recipes have been passed down for generations. It is for these reasons and more that we want to celebrate the beauty of food and drink, for the hard work and love that brought it to the table and for how it brings us all together. Anyhow, I digest.. and I may be drinking.

The apparel side is also a love affair. We feel like clothes reflect the person. So the feel of a fabric and the quality matter. It is why, we have tested every shirt we have ever printed on before selling it to you. It is why, we have tested every hat we have ever offered, before they ever saw our storefront. We set out some years ago to design clothes that is reflective of people who love food and drink, who appreciate good design, have a keen eye for quality and friggin’ love a good party.

We’re thrilled to share the news about the relaunch of our online store on Monday, May 24th! We’ve been at this for a few years now and are pumped to be at the place where we can offer our high quality apparel, in greater selection with worldwide shipping.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Your friendly neighbourhood,

Gluttons & Drunkards